Bee Bee Crown and Collar Scissors, Curved, Saw Edge (HSB 651-10)
Kelly Scissors, Straight 16 cm (46.077.16)
La Grange, SC, Curved (HSB 392-11)
Goldman Fox, Gum Scissors, TC, Curved (HSB 303-13)
Kelly Scissors, Straight 16 cm Supercut (46.077.16SC)
Universal Scissors 12cm (46.685.12TC)
Dean Scissors, 17cm ( 46.123.17SC)
Beebee Scissors 10.5cm, Toothed, Curved Blades (46.677.10)
Crown and Wire Cutter, Ligature
Crown and Wire Cutter, Universal
Crown Scissors, Curved (HSB 653-10)
Goldman Fox Scissors (HSB 302-13)
Dean, Gum Scissors, Curved, Toothed (HSB 041-17)
Suture Removal Scissors (46.319.17N)
Universal Scissors 12cm (46.685.12)
Beebee Scissors 10.5cm, Regular, Curved Blades (46.675.10)
Dean Scissors, 17cm (46.121.17)