Onyx Extraction Forceps for Lower Roots (12.045.15ZSTI)
Onyx Goldman-Fox Scissors, 13cm, Straight (46.201.13TISC)
Onyx Interproximator + Best Seller Forceps (BG KIT OEZ4)
Onyx Joseph Scissors, Curved, 14cm, Onyx-Coating ( 46.081.16TISC )
Onyx Scissors (46.431.14TISC)
Onyx X TooI - Root Elevator Curved (17.007.04TI)
Onyx X tool Separator, straight, 4.0mm (17.008.90TI)
Onyx XTooI - Root Elevator 4.0mm (17.007.05TI)
Orban Knife (OR 1-2)
Osstell module for W&H implantmed, SI-1015 (30210000)
Osteotome set (47.949.90)
Palatal Periosteal Elevator (Raspatory) with Touch Grip Handle (24.744.15HZU)
Papilla Elevator Double ended with touch grip handle (46.035.17HZU)
Parallel Blade Holder (46.007.40)
Pediatric Extracting forceps (Z 433-23)
Perio Set Kit Onyx KP1
Periodentistry Kit (PKS1)
Periodentistry Kit (PKS2)
Periodentistry Surgery Kit (PSK4)
Periodontal Kit (PKM1)