698 - Diamond Bur, Pear Shape, Micro Preparation (Pkg of 5)
805 (010) - Diamond Bur, Inverted Cone, Preparation (Pkg of 5)
835 FG (107) - Diamond Bur, Cylindrical, Shoulder Preparation (Pkg of 5)
Great White® Z FOOTBALL 379-023 (18164) - 5 pack
Great White® Z Round End Taper 856-018 (18161) Cutting Zircon Crown
Revelation Diamond Bur STERILE 379-018C - Pack of 25
Revelation Diamond Bur 379-018F 5 PACK (91174-5)
Piranha Diamond 10839-012M (10839-012M)
PIRANHA Diamond Bur 860-012VF
3R Diamond Bur Sterile FG Safe Drill (Single Use) - Flame (Pkg of 25) 3118
3R Diamond Bur FG Sterile ,Safe Drill (Single Use) - Pear (Pkg of 25) 3168
3R Diamond Bur FG - Beveled Cylinder