WEN Tension Release Comb / Perforated periosteal elevator
Publié par Heman Z le
WEN Tension Release Comb Periodontal interventions for recession coverage are made to cover the root surface as complete as possible. If a soft tissue flap shall be translocated coronally, the WEN Tension Release Comb can be used to extend the split flap by combing, to easy achieve a complete coverage. Depending on the condition of the tissue, flap extensions of 15 to 20 mm will be possible. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perforated periosteal elevator To dissect the mucoperiosteum and to press the bone substitute into place, combined with a simultaneous aspiration of excess fluids during augmentation.
Retractor "Whale Fin"
Publié par Heman Z le
Both sizes of the "Whale Fin" Retractor are available as insert M4 x 0.5 or as complete instrument in a Zepf Bionik handle. Advantages: Good view of the operating and preparation field. Safe retraction of soft tissues and good visual control even in a lateral tooth area. Atraumatic - no punctual contact,but surface contact. Extra opening for the labial frenulum (upper jaw / lower jaw) with center cut-out in the middle of the retraction area / working surfaces. Wave-shaped working surface for a better adaptation in the upper jaw / lower jaw. Also usable in prosthetics (e.g. tooth preparation) The...
Benex extraction is easier and atraumatic !
Publié par Heman Z le
It make big difference with some difficult extraction case ,specially when you need to place implant and preserve the Bone and Socket!
- Étiquettes: Alberta dental association, ASM21, ASM24, atlantic dental convention, BC Dental Association, dental school, dentistry, manitoba dental association, new Brunswick dental association, newfoundland dental association, Ontario Dental Association, quebec dental association, Saskatchewan dental association, UBC Dental School, Vancuoverdentist, Victoria dentist
October Magazine Specials
Publié par Heman Z le
H-Tool set
Publié par Heman Z le
The new H-Tools developed by Dr. Hildebrand are a continuation of the successful X-Tool concept. The instrument tips are very flat and sharp pointed. The instruments are inserted along the root axis and the alveolar cavity is widened by advancing the H-Tool apically along the root of the tooth to extracted with gentle hammer blows. The light Ferrozell Hammer with a diameter of 35 mm enables work to be carried out safely. Thanks to the extremely light construction, this hammer produces a far less unpleasant feeling in the patient than using a hammer with a hard plastic inserts or in a...