

WEN Tension Release Comb / Perforated periosteal elevator

Publié par Heman Z le

WEN Tension Release Comb Periodontal interventions for recession coverage are made to cover the root surface as complete as possible. If a soft tissue flap shall be translocated coronally, the WEN Tension Release Comb can be used to extend the split flap by combing, to easy achieve a complete coverage. Depending on the condition of the tissue, flap extensions of 15 to 20 mm will be possible. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perforated periosteal elevator To dissect the mucoperiosteum and to press the bone substitute into place, combined with a simultaneous aspiration of excess fluids during augmentation.

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Retractor "Whale Fin"

Publié par Heman Z le

Both sizes of the "Whale Fin" Retractor are available as insert M4 x 0.5 or as complete instrument in a Zepf Bionik handle. Advantages: Good view of the operating and preparation field. Safe retraction of soft tissues and good visual control even in a lateral tooth area. Atraumatic - no punctual contact,but surface contact. Extra opening for the labial frenulum (upper jaw / lower jaw) with center cut-out in the middle of the retraction area / working surfaces. Wave-shaped working surface for a better adaptation in the upper jaw / lower jaw. Also usable in prosthetics (e.g. tooth preparation) The...

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Benex extraction is easier and atraumatic !

Publié par Heman Z le

It make big difference with some difficult extraction case ,specially when you need to place implant and preserve the Bone and Socket!   

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October Magazine Specials

Publié par Heman Z le

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H-Tool set

Publié par Heman Z le

The new H-Tools developed by Dr. Hildebrand are a continuation of the successful X-Tool concept. The instrument tips are very flat and sharp pointed. The instruments are inserted along the root axis and the alveolar cavity is widened by advancing the H-Tool apically along the root of the tooth to extracted with gentle hammer blows. The light Ferrozell Hammer with a diameter of 35 mm enables work to be carried out safely. Thanks to the extremely light construction, this hammer produces a far less unpleasant feeling in the patient than using a hammer with a hard plastic inserts or in a...

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