Composite Instrument (ZARIN11 BG4)
698 - Diamond Bur, Pear Shape, Micro Preparation (Pkg of 5)
Root Canal EXD16
Interproximator X-Tools (17.007.07)
Composite Instrument Zarrin AC4 w/ Round End Plugger (ZAC4)
Pott Elevator Left & Right (750/1 & 2)
Tunneling Instrument #1, for upper jaw, 18cm (46.040.01)
Interproximator X-Tools (17.008.09)
Molt, Periosteal Elevator (41.862.13)
Root Pick Elevator (792-1Z)
Maxi Bur Blocks 25, 50, 100, or 200 holes (190260, 190270, 190240, 190265)
Ergonomic Dental Tweezers (22.025.03)
Prichard Periosteal Elevator (41.878.11)
BIONIK Double Sided Stainless Steel Mouth Mirror Retractor (37.448.10 or 37.448.20)
Extraction Forceps Roba, Lower anterior and Pre Molars (12.221.90Z)
Implant Scaler, NiTi coated, Various Tips (GR 1-2, 4R-4L, GR 11-12, GR 13-14, H6-H7, 204S)
Double Ended Periotome (26.182.23)
Orban Knife (OR 1-2)
Periosteal Elevator (24G)
Roba Extraction Forceps, Upper Premolars (12.235.08Z)